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   Complimentary 20-Minute Consultation! Learn how the Healing Potential of Rife Frequencies and BCX Ultra can assist You  on Your Journey to Optimal Health. Schedule Now and Take the First Step Towards a Healthier, Happier You!"   

    Learn how to  bring in Higher  Energies for Body Mind & Soul.  ***Get Well *** Stay Well  ***FEEL GOOD AGAIN!**


SPECIAL OFFER    With your BCX Ultra Purchase receive a   Complimentary Practitioner Consultation + Exclusive Startup

 Healing Protocol and Lifetime  BCX  support.

    "Embark on Your Healing Journey -Start Today "

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BCX Ultra Rife frequency

      BCX ULTRA Deluxe $2795.00 +ship

    $100  OFF BCX Ultra with cash -email for info

SPRING SALE 100$ OFF ***SAVE up to $200.

 The BCX comes with everything you need to get started.

  $45/55 shipping inside the US.$65 to Canada

  $215 international

        WHAT COMES with the BCX Ultra Deluxe  

            BCX Quick Start Video

                          Accessories here

     BCX Ultra Deluxe Instructions: Parts 1-9 

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BCX Ultra VS  Spooky 2.


 High Powered 4MHz Plasma Beam Tube    Requires the      BCX Ultra Deluxe to operate.(as pictured)     $5595.00

  CASH DiscountEmail Us for info

 (hand held accessories $400.00 extra)Total $5595+

ship in the US $90UPS-110USPS-$315 inter.

 SPRING SALE 100$ OFF-Savings up to $200

 The 4MHz Plasma Beam Tube-Our most POWERFUL output.

     BT- HFPCM2 High Frequency-1 Hz to 4 MHz   

    **Cost: $2,995.00 +ship $45/55 US- 95$ Canada-$315

  • Requires the BCX Ultra Deluxe to operate.(as pictured)

 Beam Tube Generates Plasma discharge and minor

 Electric Field .

  • Operating frequency:1Hz to 4 MHz Wave Form: (square, sine, etc.) Variable Intensity Power:125 micro-joules/pulse 

  •  (96 watts @ 4.00 MHz) Our most powerful output to date.

  • Tube Type: Phanatron Tube

   Purchased in a package with  BCX ULTRA    $4995.00

  •     Additional Hardware:

Complete handheld accessories kit: $400 (includes ray tubes, metal cylinders, metal foot plates & gel pads)

     We suggest buying the complete package with   accessories for $5395.00 (as shown above)+shipping



  • 100$ Discount with CASH sales  on this  BCX unit

- website contents and images copyrighted © 2007- 2024

  • We offer a 3 year warranty – parts & labor on the BCX unit & a 60 day return+ 10% restocking fee.


BCX: Healing With Frequencies | Ep 1        Penny Kelly and

 Judy Erwin from BioElectrics for Health, Judy joins Penny to discuss healing with frequencies & the BCX .

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  BCX ULTRA Lite  $3895.00- 100$ cash discount available 

SPRING SALE 100$ OFF-savings up to $200

      electrodes $200 extra -US.Shipping $45-55-Canada $95-               INT"L ship $315

       information on the ULTRA Lite here


         the BCX Ultra Lite units

  • 1236 Pre-programed channels for common issues

  •  68 custom programs

  • 187 channels for your own experimental frequencies

  • Frequency range 110,000 Hz. with hand held plasma tubes

  • 4,000,000 Hz = 4 MHz with electrode delivery,

  • 18 different types of wave forms including square, sine, & triangle.

  • Sweep & Chaining functions for your advanced research.

  • FREE 30  minutes consultation to answer your questions about the BCX equipment .

  • FREE complete training.

  • FREE lifetime, unlimited support.​

  • $35/45$ shipping inside the US - shipping to Canada $63.00 - most international shipping $215.00.​

  • With 30 years experience of researching, developing and advancing "Rife Machine" radio frequency technologies for healing research.We are among the longest producing Rife machine manufacturers.

  • We offer a 3 year warranty – parts & labor on the BCX unit

  • (does not include ray tubes) & we have a 60 day return policy + 10% restocking fee.    ALL PRICES QUOTED IN US DOLLARS.


                ****BCX Ultra Deluxe Instructions: Parts 1-9


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 BCX ULTRA DELUXE with PEMF MATT  $3695.00-+ ship $90UPS-110USPS in US Canada $130-INT $350.

      PEMF INFO 

       SPRING SALE 100$ OFF-Savings up to $200


 Can Specific Light & Sound Vibrations Eliminate

      the Microbes that are Making You Sick?

   Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent more than two decades in laborious research and have discovered an incredibly simple, electronic approach to eliminating literally every disease on the planet caused by viruses, fungus and bacteria. Indeed, it is a discovery that could end the pain and suffering of countless millions and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical world would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn’t you?




Rife Handbook $120 +15 ship-int-more
  BCX Ultra Deluxe Instructions:

   Parts 1-9

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"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think

 in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration."

                                                       "Dr. Nikola Tesla"

   Frequency Technology has now been Validated by many, this "Rife Machine" Frequency Research Technology can be used for experimental research purposes on  pathogens and other  metabolic deficiencies like PAIN, Arthritis, Fungus, Viruses, Candida,  Migraines, Infections, Herpes, Lyme Disease, Depression, Kidney  Insufficiency, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Liver Congestion and is for use on Various Health Conditions & Deficiencies.

  This “electronic antibiotic system” is rapid, painless and FREE of Side Effects.  It has been said “it’s like plugging in an immune system”. There are literally 1000s of testimonials  by individuals, who have used this electronic therapy successfully to experiment on health conditions & deficiencies.

   Website contents and images - © "Copyrighted" Reconnecting Body Mind

At Reconnecting Body Mind, Frank recognizes the power of BodyTalk techniques to provide insights into your body's needs. His approach respects the body's own innate wisdom and guides the priorities for healing. Allow him to help you unlock the healing power within.

Reconnecting Body Mind - Discover the profound connection between your body and mind through BodyTalk techniques.

  With 40+ years in alternative healing the BCX   Frequency device is one of the most powerful tools    we  have ever found.

**Help protect YOUR family's good health with

  Electronic Health and Wellness products made in the USA

  Charge Your Body and Cells with the Right

      Frequencies  and You Can Prevent Disease!


Judy Erwin is the owner of Bio Electrics for Health. With over 40 years involvement in alternative healing modalities and 29 years experience with the Rife technology (Rife Machine), Judy is at the top in her field for transformation through frequency waves. She was instrumental in the development of the BCX ULTRA..


  We look forward to working with you towards your good health.  ABOUT

Bioelectrics for Health is based in Magical, Mystical Sedona ,AZ

  Shift your Frequency and Transform your health! Start today


     "Unorthodox yet effective radio frequency technology, pioneered by Royal Raymond Rife in the early 20th century, has slowly been breaking the choke hold of the monolithic corporate drug industry. Frequency technology often can provide a noninvasive, safe and effective alternative to drugs, chemicals and surgery. I know this from personal experience over a period of more than 15 years. The use of frequencies literally has saved me thousands of dollars in medical bills and pharmaceuticals. And no one understands the uses and successes of this technology better than Judy Erwin, who has fought a lifelong battle against a variety of medical maladies.”


Jim Marrs was a former American newspaper journalist and author of four New York Times Best Sellers on government and corporate conspiracies.


Jim Marrs- A Dear Friend 1943-2017  

  With almost 30 years experience working with Frequency healing technology and a lifetime in healing alternatives. The BCX Instrument is one of the most Powerful Healing Tools we have ever experienced!    

 Judy is a gifted intuitive and researcher who can help you find optimal  frequencies for your healing process, offering intuitive consultations and readings to help you determine the BEST frequencies for your issues. Judy Erwin is the owner of

 Bio Electrics for Health. With over 40 years involvement in alternative healing modalities and 29 years experience with the Rife technology (Rife Machine), Judy is at the top in her field for transformation through frequency waves. She was instrumental in the development of the BCX ULTRA..

  We look forward to working with you towards your good health.  ABOUT

Bioelectrics for Health is based in Magical,Mystical Sedona ,AZ

  Shift your Frequency and Transform your health! Start today

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It is important to realize that the devices currently on the market are NOT classic Rife Ray Machines as described in the popular press- there are none of those devices currently on the market, and if they were, their use would need to be restricted to well-screened and grounded metallic-screen rooms to prevent Radio-Frequency interference. It's a MUCH different world now than it was in the 1930's ! NO one would want 1930's technology..

photos from

        Learn how specific frequencies can help recharge your body by cleansing the system of pathogens and strengthening your immune system, balancing your energy field to help bring in

            Higher  Energies for body mind & soul. 

                     ***Get Well *** Stay Well  ***FEEL GOOD AGAIN!**


   "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think

 in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration."

                                                       "Dr. Nikola Tesla"

   Charge Your Body and Cells with the Right   

     Frequencies  and You Can Prevent Disease!

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  With 40+ years in alternative healing the BCX Frequency device is one of the most powerful tools we have ever found

  Charge Your Body and Cells with the Right Frequencies  and You Can Prevent Disease!

We look forward to working with you towards your good health.

   With almost 30 years of researching, developing and advancing "Rife Machine" radio frequency technology working with doctors, clinics, practitioners, scientist, researchers and engineers.WE are among the longest producing Rife machine manufacturers offering the BEST in 21st Century ”Rife Machine” Radio Frequency Plasma technology with the Advanced BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife Machine Frequency Device and

(former models BCX 211, BCX 411, Biotec 2000),Bioelectrics for Health is based in Mystical Sedona ,AZ

  •  We offer a 3 year warranty  parts & labor on all BCX units (does not include ray tubes) & a 60 day return with 10% restocking fee.

         Website contents and images copyrighted © 2007- 2024



            With almost 30 years teaching frequency healing.. We look forward to working with you towards your good health.

              *** SHIFT YOUR FREQUENCY *** TRANSFORM YOUR HEALTH !    1-800-936-6240

    DISCLAIMER This technology is not intended to prevent, diagnosis, treat or cure any disease or condition. It is for experimental research only     and we make  NO claims stated or implied .--PLEASE Note-If you are ill or in poor health, see your health care professional  immediately.

 This device is for your own experimental research purposes only.

  •    Website contents and images "copyrighted"©2007-2024

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